[Digikam-users] A few questions from a newbie ...

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 17:44:21 BST 2009

I've been trying to find my way around Digikam (version provided by
Ubuntu) for the past few days, and have a couple of questions:

1) I have no mouse and always use a tablet on my computer; with no
scrolling wheel, I don't know how to zoom in/out in order to use the
geolocation capabilities. I tried to access the marble project site at
http://www.edu.kde.org/marble/ but it seems to be unavailable, so I'd
welcome any advice on the matter.

2) I began to play with the rating system, but once I've rated a
picture, I cannot set it back to 0-star! Is there a trick I should

3) Regarding the sorting options (by date, name, etc.) I didn't see
any choice between ascending/descending order; am I missing something?

Thanks for helping.


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