[Digikam-users] digikam 0.9.2 libs/lprof compile error

Sean McClain sean.mcclain.dc3.sw at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 06:20:09 GMT 2009

Apparently, lcms (little cms) used to provide a macro called BOOL, and
the digikam source hasn't been patched/updated to reflect the fact
that it doesn't anymore. Since this just generates, well, a bool, I
decided to replace every reference to BOOL in libs/lprof/* with the
macro versions of lcms newer than 1.17 provide, LCMSBOOL. That is to

for library in libs/lprof/*.c libs/lprof/*.cpp; do sed -i $library -e
's/BOOL/LCMS&/g'; done

(if you don't use the above command, don't worry if whatever editor
you use to do the regex replace is case-insensitive; there's only one
occurence of lowercase 'bool', and it's in a comment; I went through
and did all the edits by hand to make sure there were no surprises.
Just change every BOOL to LCMSBOOL)

I did this on another machine I don't have direct access to from this
machine, so unfortunately I don't have a suggested patch. However, it
should be trivial to generate one. In addition, there's no added
concern with BOOL being somehow more generic than LCMS, as there are
other LCMS macros already in place that would have to be replaced
anyway if the digikam maintainers decided to use a different cms.

And I'm happy to say that, as of my writing this, it has compiled and installed.

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