[Digikam-users] Created/modified date & Digikam start problems

Risto.S paristo at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 11:16:04 GMT 2008

Sorry about this late answer to Vol 33, Issue 38 post.

> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 20:32:24 +0100
> From: Mikolaj Machowski <mikmach at wp.pl>

> Well, one thing is missing: what strings are cut - Captions below
> thumbnail, text in panel?

Date captions below thumbnail is cut. This can be fixed by user if resizing 
font size to small enought (smaller than 8pt) but it would be better to 
change text "created" and "modified" to smaller like "C:" "M:" than actual 
important info, dates.

> As far as I understand digiKam doesn't support reading/writing of
> database from non-local repositories. It mostly applies to network
> drives but not only. Differences between various distributions probably
> means that they are mounting USB in slightly different ways and
> with some settings sqlite (database engine of digiKam) can read data and
> sometimes not.

My problem exist even if i would use normal HD and not USB drive. So it's not 
about that remote problem. It's just something to do between two different, 
Mandriva and PCLinuxOS builds. I even tryed this again by copying everything 
to two different machines and same happend, PCLinuxOS starts about everytime 
(95% change) but Mandriva just hangs. I just dont get what could be wrong :-/

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