[Digikam-users] Import issue on SVN version

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 09:18:29 BST 2008

2008/7/14 Andi Clemens <andi.clemens at gmx.net>:
>> Thank you Gandalf, compiling into /usr/lib/kde4 did the trick. I can
>> now see the photos. It was a rough compile: it took over an hour, and
>> the CPU temp went up to 69 degrees. The computer was doing nothing
>> other than compiling Digikam at the time, and as soon as the
>> compilation ended the temp started dropping. At 65 degrees when the
>> fan went to high speed (and I realized that the machine was getting
>> hot) I put frozen foods near (but not blocking) the air input, I'm
>> scared to think how high it would have gotten otherwise.
> :-)
> That's not digiKam's fault! :-D
> I had to compile / calculate / train a classifier for eye detection last
> summer. My laptop was running at full speed 1 week... all the time. I took
> the time and went on a holiday this week :-) But I also was a little bit
> scared, because 1 week is really a long time for my old laptop here. But he
> survived it.
> I don't think compiling digiKam will harm your system...

I didn't suspect it was digikam's fault. I was just expressing myself,
I don't like seeing Intel processors go above 60. I once had an AMD
Duron up to 108 (that's not a typo) and it's still running, but I've
had a Pentium4 brick at 72 degrees.

> Do you had to eat all the food after that? What food was it? Special computer
> cooling food :-) ?

It actually was special computer cooling food! We buy frozen spices in
individually compartmented bubble packs, like upside-down ice cube
trays. This makes for lots of surface area, and channels for air. I
sat the laptop right on the container. I haven't eaten of it yet, but
we will soon enough I'm sure. I'll post a photo of the container as a
best misuse of food when the wife returns and brings the camera home.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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