[Digikam-users] Import issue on SVN version

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Jul 13 19:33:34 BST 2008

2008/7/13 Gandalf Lechner <gandalf.lechner at univie.ac.at>:
> Hello Dotan,
> I also had some trouble getting the digikam svn up and running on my Kubuntu
> Hardy (using KDE4 Beta2 packages). In the end, the following method was
> successful: I used precisely the same variable setting and command line
> options as Arnd wrote in his "private notes" email, with the only difference
> that instead of
> I used
> DIGIKAMKDE4=/usr/lib/kde4
> (I ran into problems with the former setting.) The marble related settings
> were probably unnecessary for me since I have marble in its default path; but
> they don't hurt either.
> So maybe you want to give that a try as well?
> Good luck,
> Gandalf

Thank you, grey wizard. I am now compiling without using -prefix but
if that does not work I will try like you suggest. But I am having a
hard time, I keep encountering this:
"svn: Can't read from connection: Connection reset by peer "

I will update the thread with my progress. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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