[Digikam-users] Batch white balancing

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Sun May 20 16:24:11 BST 2007

2007/5/20, Martin Schmettow <schmettow at web.de>:
> Hi,
> does someone know a way to do white balancing in batch? I already found
> out how to save a white balancing profile with the editor and want to
> apply it to a series of pictures now.

This is not yet coded. But this way still in my mind.

In fact with release 0.9.1, all image editor plugins settings can be saved
in a config file. I have do it to be abbel to use it later with a Batch
process tool included directly in digiKAm core (not a kipi-plugins) for
example apply a filter from editor in batch mode.

My idea is to use a container of image (something like the new Light Table
included with 0.9.2 release do) and set for all items a list of actions to
apply in batch. BibblePro has a tool to do something like that.

By this way, you place in the Batch queue a list of pictures from any
albums, and you set to apply WB adjustment + refocus to these images using
you settings files saved from editor.

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