[Digikam-users] Is it a bug or my inability?

Stefan Grosse singularitaet at gmx.net
Mon Jun 4 15:11:43 BST 2007


I recently bought a Samsung GX-10 DSLR camera which does support the DNG
(Adobe) RAW format. I have digikam 0.9.1 installed on Fedora 7.

Yesterday I played (the first time) around with digikam. When I tried to
convert some DNG images to jpeg I faced the following problem: on the
right side of the picture appeared a broad bar with green lines.
Furthermore there is a black frame around the picture. So my first guess
is that the converter takes in more pixels then it should.

Is this a bug or have I just overseen an option?

I attach an example picture  - I am not sure if it is possible to attach
files anyway so you can have a look at the full sized picture here:

Neither Irfanview nor DIGIMAX RAW converter nor gimp/ufraw showed this
ugly green lines after conversion ...

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