[Digikam-users] kipi for MPEG

Fabrice Deydier fabrice at my-industry.net
Mon Apr 10 13:18:14 BST 2006


This problem is known and solve here :

You must add "-S 420mpeg2" in the images2mpg command, ie in the file
"images2mpg" in the directory /opt/kde3/bin.

Best regards


Selon MIlos Prudek <prudek at bvx.cz>:

> Kipi plugin "create MPEG slideshow" fails with digikam 0.8.0 and
> kipi-plugins-0.1.0-0.rc1
> The problem is probably in kipi, not in digikam. This is stock digikam and
> kipi as provided in Mandriva 2006.0.
> Is there a workaround? I need this function badly.
> The error message is:
> images2mpg --with-gui  -f DVD -n PAL -d 10 -c 000
> -T /home/milos/tmp/kde-milos/kipi-mpegencoderplugin-29182/ -M /usr/bin
> -I /usr/bin -o "/home/milos/Documents/output.mpg" -i
> "/home/milos/blbiny/fotoaparaty/praktica 3/pict1774.jpg"
> "/home/milos/blbiny/fotoaparaty/praktica 3/pict1775.jpg"
> "/home/milos/blbiny/fotoaparaty/praktica 3/pict1776.jpg"
> "/home/milos/blbiny/fotoaparaty/praktica 3/praktica_bez_brasny.jpg"
> "/home/milos/blbiny/fotoaparaty/praktica 3/praktica_komplet.jpg"
> "/home/milos/blbiny/fotoaparaty/praktica 3/praktica_otevrena.jpg"
> -----------------------------------------------
> Initialising...
> Encoding image files...
> Images encoding (%) : 0      [0
>    INFO: [yuvscaler] yuvscaler 1.6.3-rc3 (15-02-2004) is a general scaling
> utility for yuv frames
>    INFO: [yuvscaler] (C) 2001-2004 Xavier Biquard <xbiquard at free.fr>,
> yuvscaler -h for help, or man yuvscaler
> **ERROR: [yuvscaler] Could'nt read YUV4MPEG header!
> -----------------------------------------------
> EXIT STATUS : error during encoding process.
> --
> Milos Prudek
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