[Digikam-users] Question on Casio Exilim EZ40 / SuSE 9.3 / 32Bit

Dieter Jurzitza dieter.jurzitza at t-online.de
Sun Sep 18 10:00:52 BST 2005

Dear listmembers,
I (try) to use the EZ40 with digikam. OS: SuSE linux 9.3, digikam version 
0.72, 0.74, 0.8 ...

The camera is not recognized by digikam (it is not among the list of known 
cameras). Therefore I have configured the camera as a a mass storage device.

Linux as such recognizes it, it is mounted as soon as I connect it to my 
computer, I can access the files. The mountpoint (may) be
The files are regular jpegs, they are named like "cimg0553.jpg". Any picture 
processing program (gimp, xv ...) can handle them. If I create an album and 
move the pictures manually to this album using konqueror, mc, cp ... digikam 
finds the pictures in the album and is happily showing them.

However, trying to configure digikam to access a mass storage device and 
telling him the path to the mountpoint results in - well an empty window when 
I try to select the camera.
I cannot fetch the pictures using digikam directly.

I entered the Title: "Casio EZ 40", Model: Directory Browse, Port: NONE, 
Path: /media/SANVOL/dcim/100casio.

The Title - name has no impact.

It does not seem to be a permission problem, trying as root does not change 
libgphoto is the version that comes with SuSE 9.3, libgphoto2-2.1.5head-9.
Any ideas / suggestions?
Many thanks for your efforts, take care

Dieter Jurzitza


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 <°°__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
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if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)

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