[Digikam-users] TIFF-File Problems (still)

Olaf Gellert gellert at arasca.de
Wed Nov 30 14:54:31 GMT 2005


alexdz at libero.it wrote:
>> Still only blank thumbnails are created from my TIFF-
>> files (JPEG works fine).
> It sounds like a compression problem. Maybe Imlib is not compiled with the support for the compression applied to your tiff files.

Well, good idea. But see the output of "identify -verbose"
(from ImageMagick). It is not 16bit, and it is not compressed
at all. You can find this example image at:

http://www.arasca.de/tmp/beispiel-digikam.tif     (338 KB)

Still at loss with this... Sorry for bothering you
with this (would like to find the error own my own)
but here I am stuck... If it works on your system
I really may have to compile imlib by myself (right
now I am using the thing that comes with SuSE linux).

Cheers, Olaf

> identify -verbose beispiel-digikam.tif
beispiel-digikam.tif TIFF 400x288 DirectClass 338kb
Image: beispiel-digikam.tif
  Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
  Geometry: 400x288
  Class: DirectClass
  Type: TrueColor
  Endianess: MSB
  Colorspace: RGB
  Channel depth:
    Red: 8-bits
    Green: 8-bits
    Blue: 8-bits
  Channel statistics:
      Min: 0 (0)
      Max: 255 (1)
      Mean: 135.041 (0.529572)
      Standard deviation: 50.0331 (0.196208)
      Min: 38 (0.14902)
      Max: 255 (1)
      Mean: 153.409 (0.601602)
      Standard deviation: 42.7595 (0.167684)
      Min: 4 (0.0156863)
      Max: 255 (1)
      Mean: 99.478 (0.39011)
      Standard deviation: 47.2454 (0.185276)
  Colors: 85943
  Rendering-intent: Undefined
  Resolution: 1200x1200
  Units: PixelsPerInch
  Filesize: 338kb
  Interlace: None
  Background Color: white
  Border Color: #DFDFDF
  Matte Color: grey74
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: None
  Orientation: TopLeft
  Comment: Created with The GIMP
  Tainted: False
  Version: ImageMagick 6.2.3 09/13/05 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org


Olaf Gellert                                            _ - __o
  gellert at arasca.de                                    _- _`\<,_
      http://www.arasca.de/olaf/                       - (_)/ (_)
 Due to circumstances beyond your control
                  you are master of your fate & captain of your soul.

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