digiKam English documentation

Michael Miller michmill at digitalwaterworks.com
Wed Aug 21 02:47:13 BST 2024

I am brand new to the project, so I don’t know if I’m allowed to comment or not, but as a developer with over 30 years of experience I can say that one of the things that slows adoption of any software is poor documentation.  I think the digiKam documentation is pretty good, but there’s always room for improvement with anything. 

Gilles or someone much more experienced with the project should comment with the final approval, but I don’t see how better documentation would do anything but help.


> On Aug 20, 2024, at 7:49 PM, Rickey D Chapman <rick05chap at icloud.com> wrote:
> I’ve just started using digiKam and it is incredibly well done. So I want to thank the whole development team.
> But I also think the English-language documentation could be improved by some grammatical editing. I have forked the documentation, setup sphinx-doc and edited the first 6 rst files in the manual. (The edited files are still local on my machine as I have not yet figured out how to push my changes back to gitlab.) 
> But then it occurred to me that maybe you don’t want this type of help. So should I continue editing, or stop? And if I continue, is there a preference for either a large or small number of files in each merge request?
> Rick Chapman

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