New unstable digiKam 8.2.0 Windows installer based on Qt6+KF6...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at
Tue Nov 14 06:03:41 GMT 2023

Hi all,

I would like to receive few feedbacks of new Qt6/KF6 installer
compiled under Windows 10.

With the current file, the following points are fixed :

- ImageMagick codecs available.
- All Translations files hosted in the bundle.
- Current rolling release Lensfun database used.
- Last Exiv2 0.28.1 used to compile digiKam.
- Mysql Qt plugin available.

I would to know if Windows 7/8 installation still possible for ex ?
I'm sure that Windows 10 work fine, but i don't yet tried a Windows 11 version.
What's about the Windows Defender problematic now to run the
installer, as is compiled under Windows instead cross-compiled under
Linux ?

Best regards

Gilles Caulier

Le sam. 11 nov. 2023 à 13:16, Gilles Caulier
<caulier.gilles at> a écrit :
> Hi all,
> The first version of 8.2.0 Windows 64 installer build with VCPKG
> tool-chain under Windows 10 is available here :
> Currently the non debug version is online as an NSIS binary installer
> and a portable tarball. The debug version will arrive in one hours.
> This version has all supported features of digiKam, including mysql
> (not tested yet), heif, aom, jpegxl support, qtwebengine for the cloud
> service connection, Exiv2 0.28, etc. The missing feature is
> ImageMagick image loader which must be replaced by GraphicsMagick.
> This last one is only available under VCPKG, and image loader code
> must be ported to the GM API which differs from IM.
> digiKam is compiled with MSVC compiler from Microsoft, with Qt6
> (stable 6.6.0) and KDE frameworks version 6 not yet released as stable
> (this planned for February 2024). Installer is not signed with
> Microsoft CERT, as we need to pay around 150-100€ per year, which I
> refuse to do by policy. Who wants to bloat Microsoft with money coming
> from an open source project. I cannot accept that at all.
> So to install digiKam under Windows 10 and later, you need to tune the
> security rules from Windows control panel as explained in the online
> documentation here :
> Voilà, do not use yet in production, just for testing, as the KDE
> framework used with this Windows version is not yet released. It's
> dedicated to tests only...
> Best regards
> Gilles Caulier

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