Getting setup to compile digikam on Ubuntu 22.04
loup+digikamdevel at
loup+digikamdevel at
Mon Mar 6 15:26:21 GMT 2023
I am trying to get setup to compile digikam for the first time on Ubuntu
I downloaded the git repo per this page:
I managed to get most of the dependencies installed by interpreting the
"CMake Could not find" errors and looking at the list on this page: It took some
guessing at the package names, but I got most of it.
However, this one error seems to not want to go away:
|CMake Error at
|| Could NOT find FFmpeg (missing: AVDEVICE_LIBRARIES
I have installed various ffmpeg and avcodec dev packages hoping that
they fix the issue: libavcodec-dev, libavutil-dev, libavformat-dev,
libavfilter-dev. As far as I can tell, my distro doesn't have an
"ffmpeg-dev" package.
How do I get past this error?
I'm new to working with Qt based projects, so I would also appreciate if
someone can recommend an IDE for me. I use IntelliJ for java and python
work, so I naturally took a look at CLion first - but I only get a 1
month trial license. Is there a good free IDE I can use for Qt?
Also not sure if this is related or not, but running bootstrap.linux
gives this result:
| ./bootstrap.linux |||
|||qtpaths: could not find a Qt installation of ''|||
|||FAILED COMMAND: QT_INSTALL_PREFIX=`qtpaths --install-prefix`|
Thanks in advance for any help offered.
Here is the output of trying to run CMake inside of CLion:
-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=/snap/clion/222/bin/ninja/linux/x64/ninja -G
Ninja -S /home/<user>/Documents/Projects/digikam -B
|||-- CMake version: cmake version 3.24.2 (CMake; JetBrains IDE
bundle; build 2)|||
|||debugging support enabled|||
|||CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware
|||-- Starting CMake configuration for digikam|||
|||-- |||
|||Installing in /usr/local. Run
to set the environment for digikam.|||
|||-- Top level compilation configuration for digikam|||
|||-- |||
|||-- digikam will be compiled....................... YES|||
|||-- Translations will be compiled.................. YES|||
|||-- Tests code will be compiled.................... YES|||
|||-- Check dependencies for digikam version 8.0.0-beta1|||
|||-- |||
|||-- Suitable Qt5 >= 5.14.0 detected: '5.15.3'.|||
|||-- KF5::KIOWidgets include dirs:
|||-- Libjpeg version: 84|||
|||-- Using libjpeg sub-directory: libjpeg/84|||
|||-- Looking for LibJpeg Version...|||
|||-- Found lcms version 2.12, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/|||
|||-- HEIF_FOUND = TRUE|||
|||-- HEIF_INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/include|||
|||-- HEIF_LIBRARIES = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/|||
|||-- HEIF_VERSION = 1.12.0|||
|||-- X265_FOUND = TRUE|||
|||-- X265_INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/include|||
|||-- X265_LIBRARIES = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/|||
|||-- X265_DEFINITIONS = |||
|||-- OpenCV Root directory is:
|||-- OpenCV: Found version 4.5.4 (required: 3.3.0)|||
|||-- OpenCV headers: /usr/include/opencv4|||
|||-- OpenCV libs :
|||-- Marble_FOUND = TRUE|||
|||-- MARBLE_INCLUDE_DIR = /usr/include|||
|||-- ASTRO_LIBRARIES = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/|||
|||-- Could NOT find Jasper (missing: JASPER_LIBRARIES
|||-- FIND IMAGEMAGICK API Magick++|||
|||-- FIND IMAGEMAGICK API MagickCore|||
|||-- FIND IMAGEMAGICK API MagickWand|||
|||-- Could NOT find ImageMagick (missing:
ImageMagick_Magick++_LIBRARY) (found version "6.9.11-60")|||
|||-- ImageMagick_FOUND: FALSE|||
|||-- ImageMagick_VERSION_STRING: 6.9.11-60|||
|||-- ImageMagick_EXECUTABLE_DIR: /usr/bin|||
|||-- ImageMagick_INCLUDE_DIRS:
|||-- ImageMagick_LIBRARIES:
|||-- ImageMagick_DEFINITIONS:
|||-- ImageMagick_Magick++_INCLUDE_DIRS: |||
|||-- ImageMagick_Magick++_LIBRARY:
|||-- ImageMagick_Magick++_DEFINITIONS: |||
|||-- ImageMagick_MagickCore_INCLUDE_DIRS:
|||-- ImageMagick_MagickCore_LIBRARY:
|||-- ImageMagick_MagickCore_DEFINITIONS:
|||-- ImageMagick_MagickWand_INCLUDE_DIRS:
|||-- ImageMagick_MagickWand_LIBRARY:
|||-- ImageMagick_MagickWand_DEFINITIONS:
|||-- OpenGL found: TRUE|||
|||-- OpenGL GLU extension found: YES|||
|||-- Qt OpenGL found: 1|||
|||-- |||
|||-- --------------------------------------------------|||
|||-- digiKam MediaPlayer dependencies checks:|||
|||-- |||
|||CMake Error at
||| Could NOT find FFmpeg (missing: AVDEVICE_LIBRARIES
|||Call Stack (most recent call first):|||
||| core/cmake/modules/FindFFmpeg.cmake:189
||| core/cmake/rules/RulesMediaPlayer.cmake:14 (find_package)|||
||| core/CMakeLists.txt:112 (include)|||
|||-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!|||
|||See also
|||[Failed to reload]|
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