Sphinx Application Documentation - Image duplication

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 09:25:39 GMT 2023


Since yesterday evening, the digiKam online documentation web site has
not updated automatically after changes in RST source code. Did you
patch something in publication workflow rules ?

Best regards

Gilles Caulier

Le sam. 18 févr. 2023 à 23:16, Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at kde.org> a écrit :
> On Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 1:47 AM Julius Künzel <jk.kdedev at smartlab.uber.space> wrote:
>> Hi!
> Hi Julius,
>> as the situation especially with Kritas file structre for translated images is not as simple, as initially thought, we added rdfind to the pipelines today to iterate over all files and create symlinks for those with duplicates. This seems to be a simple and powerful solution.
>> Ben, out of curiosity, can you tell us the new sizes of the websites on the server?
> It has worked excellently:
> root at nicoda /srv/www/generated # du -h --max-depth=1 | grep docs
> 5.0M    ./sysadmin-docs.kde.org
> 1.6G    ./docs.digikam.org
> 2.3G    ./docs.krita.org
> 7.9G    ./docs.kdenlive.org
> root at nicoda /srv/www/generated # du -h --max-depth=1 | grep docs
> 5.0M    ./sysadmin-docs.kde.org
> 1.6G    ./docs.digikam.org
> 1.3G    ./docs.krita.org
> 4.1G    ./docs.kdenlive.org
> The vast majority of the size now is due to the *.epub files shipped by Sphinx, which from what I understand have to contain a copy of everything and cannot be universal (ie. must be per language)
>> Cheers,
>> Julius
> Cheers,
> Ben
>> 16.02.2023 14:01:55 Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>:
>> > Le jeu. 2 févr. 2023 à 06:50, Julius Künzel
>> > <jk.kdedev at smartlab.uber.space> a écrit :
>> >>
>> >> Hi Eugen,
>> >>
>> >> at least in the Kdenlive docs we do not use translated images at all. Also the figure_language_name is to define the pattern from where translated images are taken not where they are put to. And we always have the problem that Sphinx uses separate build dir for every language so unfortunately this does not help at all for the problem Ben exposed.
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Same here in digiKam, as Sphinx configuration is simply copied from KDenlive.
>> >
>> > One note : I replaced GIFa with WEBP animation to optimize space a
>> > lot. Even if WEBM is supported by EPUB, WEBM is not supported by
>> > Sphinx export as EPUB, but WEBP yes.
>> >
>> > Best
>> >
>> > Gilles Caulier

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