Digikam 7.2-RC Segfault, no bt

Michael Moore stuporglue at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 13:50:26 GMT 2021


I'm running the 7.2-RC appimage on Debian Bullseye, with an external MySQL
database. The external MySQL database is hosted on the same machine, and is
version 5.6.30-1, installed from the Debian repositories.

I'm doing a lot of face recognition (200,000+ photos) and am getting
intermittent crashes. But it seems that there's no backtrace.

I haven't been able to nail down a specific workflow that is guaranteed to
generate a crash yet.

Tasks I'm usually doing when it crashes are: Running "Recognize Faces",
Selecting images in the People pages, Accepting or Rejecting selections.
Crashes usually happen when there are many tasks in the Active Process

For example, if I have selected 100-300 images and click "Confirm that the
selected person is shown here", it sometimes crashes while processing them.
Or sometimes it crashes when running Recognize Faces. Or when switching to
a Person tag with many (1000s) of images.

I have Digikam writing tags to sidecar files.

I ran it inside GDB this last time, and the final few lines were

Digikam::ItemQueryBuilder::buildQueryFromXml: " ( (
(ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM
TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) OR (
(ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM
TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) OR (
(ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM
TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) OR (
(ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM
TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) ) "
Digikam::ItemLister::listImageTagPropertySearch: Search query:
 "SELECT DISTINCT Images.id, Images.name, Images.album,
 Albums.albumRoot,        ImageInformation.rating, Images.category,
 ImageInformation.format, ImageInformation.creationDate,
 Images.modificationDate, Images.fileSize,        ImageInformation.width,
 ImageInformation.height,        ImageTagProperties.value,
ImageTagProperties.property, ImageTagProperties.tagid  FROM Images
 INNER JOIN ImageTagProperties ON ImageTagProperties.imageid=Images.id
   LEFT JOIN ImageInformation ON Images.id=ImageInformation.imageid
 INNER JOIN Albums           ON Albums.id=Images.album WHERE
Images.status=1 AND (  ( ( (ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR
ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND
ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) OR ( (ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR
ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND
ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) OR ( (ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR
ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND
ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) OR ( (ImageTagProperties.tagid=? OR
ImageTagProperties.tagid IN (SELECT id FROM TagsTree WHERE pid=?)) AND
ImageTagProperties.property=?  ) )  );"
 (QVariant(int, 160), QVariant(int, 160), QVariant(QString,
"autodetectedPerson"), QVariant(int, 160), QVariant(int, 160),
QVariant(QString, "autodetectedFace"), QVariant(int, 160), QVariant(int,
160), QVariant(QString, "ignoredFace"), QVariant(int, 160), QVariant(int,
160), QVariant(QString, "tagRegion"))
Digikam::ItemLister::listImageTagPropertySearch: Search result: 3
Digikam::ActionThreadBase::cancel: Cancel Main Thread
Digikam::ActionThreadBase::slotJobFinished: One job is done
Digikam::ActionThreadBase::cancel: Cancel Main Thread
Digikam::ActionThreadBase::setMaximumNumberOfThreads: Using  4  CPU core to
run threads
Digikam::ActionThreadBase::run: Action Thread run  1  new jobs
Digikam::ItemMarkerTiler::slotSourceModelReset: ----
Digikam::ActionThreadBase::slotJobFinished: One job is done
Digikam::ActionThreadBase::cancel: Cancel Main Thread
/tmp/.mount_digika6BSWUo/AppRun: line 166: 840681 Segmentation fault
 digikam $@
[Inferior 1 (process 840666) exited with code 0213]
(gdb) bt
No stack.

Is there anything else I can do to try to provide something useful in a bug
report? Right now it seems far too vague to be helpful in tracking down the

Michael Moore
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