[digikam] [Bug 381877] Digikam start allocating all memory when scans a new collection.

bugzilla_noreply at kde.org bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sat Jul 15 11:11:47 BST 2017


--- Comment #30 from caulier.gilles at gmail.com ---
2,874,814 bytes in 59 blocks are still reachable in loss record 42,450 of
==14781==    by 0xE57BA04: cmsOpenIOhandlerFromMem (in
==14781==    by 0xE57D2C4: cmsOpenProfileFromMemTHR (in
==14781==    by 0x5D19CA8: Digikam::IccProfile::open() (in
==14781==    by 0x5D24328: Digikam::IccSettings::Private::scanDirectory(QString
const&, QStringList const&, QList<Digikam::IccProfile>*) (in
==14781== 2,876,289 bytes in 59 blocks are still reachable in loss record
42,451 of 42,454
==14781==    by 0x87AF923: QArrayData::allocate(unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, QFlags<QArrayData::AllocationOption>) (in
==14781==    by 0x87B23C3: QByteArray::resize(int) (in
==14781==    by 0x88B410D: QIODevice::readAll() (in
==14781==    by 0x5D1970F: Digikam::IccProfile::data() (in
==14781==    by 0x5D19BAF: Digikam::IccProfile::open() (in

This happen when digiKAm scan ICC color profiles from your system. Typically,
you have the color management turned on.

Turn off CM and try again. Perhaps you have corrupted ICC color profile on your

Gilles Caulier

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