[digikam] [Bug 381877] Digikam start allocating all memory when scans a new collection.

bugzilla_noreply at kde.org bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sat Jul 8 21:13:40 BST 2017


--- Comment #7 from giggi1999 at yahoo.com ---
The log of digikam up to the ctrl+c

digikam.general: AlbumWatch use QFileSystemWatcher
digikam.general: Database Parameters:
   Type:                     "QSQLITE"
   DB Core Name:            
   DB Thumbs Name:          
   DB Face Name:            
   Connect Options:          ""
   Host Name:                ""
   Host port:                -1
   Internal Server:          false
   Internal Server Path:     ""
   Internal Server Serv Cmd: ""
   Internal Server Init Cmd: ""
   Username:                 ""
   Password:                 ""

digikam.dbengine: Loading SQL code from config file
digikam.dbengine: Checking XML version ID => expected:  3  found:  3
digikam.coredb: Core database: running schema update
digikam.coredb: Core database: have a structure version  8
digikam.coredb: Core database: makeUpdates  8  to  8
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/data/Pictures"  uuid 
digikam.database: location for  "/run/media/simone/esterno_xfs/data/Pictures" 
is available  true
KMemoryInfo: Platform identified :  "LINUX"
KMemoryInfo: TotalRam:  8356839424
digikam.general: Allowing a cache size of 200 MB
digikam.thumbsdb: ThumbDB SelectThumbnailSetting val ret =  0
digikam.thumbsdb: ThumbDB SelectThumbnailSetting val ret =  0
digikam.thumbsdb: Thumbs database: have a structure version  "3"
digikam.general: Thumbnails database ready for use
digikam.general: Switch to widget style:  "oxygen"
digikam.dimg: ("/usr/share/color/icc")
digikam.dimg: No X.org XICC profile installed for screen  0
digikam.general: Camera XML data:  "/home/sim/.local/share/digikam/cameras.xml"
digikam.facedb: FaceDB SelectFaceSetting val ret =  0
digikam.facedb: FaceDB SelectFaceSetting val ret =  0
digikam.facedb: Face database: have a structure version  "2"
digikam.facesengine: Face database ready for use
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.facesengine: Face database ready for use
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
QtAV 1.12.0(Jun 21 2017, 14:33:46)
Multimedia framework base on Qt and FFmpeg.
Distributed under the terms of LGPLv2.1 or later.
Shanghai University->S3 Graphics->Deepin->PPTV, Shanghai, China Copyright (C)
2012-2016 Wang Bin (aka. Lucas Wang) wbsecg1 at gmail.com
Donate: http://qtav.org/donate.html
Source: https://github.com/wang-bin/QtAV
Home page: http://qtav.org
digikam.general: AudioOutput backends: ("OpenAL", "Pulse", "null")
digikam.general: Stacked View Mode :  0
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.general: "browse_album"
digikam.general: "browse_tag"
digikam.general: "browse_labels"
digikam.general: "browse_date"
digikam.general: "browse_timeline"
digikam.general: "browse_search"
digikam.general: "browse_fuzzysearch"
digikam.general: "browse_gpssearch"
digikam.general: "browse_people"
digikam.widgets: Paths to color scheme :  ("/usr/share/digikam/colorschemes")
digikam.widgets: "Breeze"  ::  ""
digikam.widgets: "DarkRoom"  :: 
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
digikam.dimg: Root lens database dir:  "/usr/share/lensfun"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "6x6.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "actioncams.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-canon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-casio.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-fujifilm.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-kodak.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-konica-minolta.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-leica.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-nikon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-olympus.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-panasonic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-pentax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-ricoh.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-samsung.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-sigma.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "compact-sony.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "contax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "generic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-canon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-fujifilm.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-nikon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-olympus.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-panasonic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-pentax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-samsung.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-samyang.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-sigma.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-sony.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-tamron.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "mil-zeiss.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "misc.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "rf-leica.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-canon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-hasselblad.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-konica-minolta.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-leica.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-nikon.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-olympus.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-panasonic.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-pentax.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-ricoh.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-samsung.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-samyang.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-schneider.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-sigma.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-soligor.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-sony.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-tamron.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-tokina.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-ussr.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-vivitar.xml"
digikam.dimg: Load lens database file:  "slr-zeiss.xml"
digikam.dimg: variant:  QVariant(Digikam::LensFunIface::DevicePtr, )
digikam.dimg: dev:  AEE  ::  AEE DV  ::  6
digikam.dimg: Search for camera  "" - ""  ==> false
digikam.dimg: Search for lens  ""  ==> false
digikam.dimg: updating data
digikam.dimg: updating data
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: new search text settings:  "" : hasResult =  false , validRows
=  0
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "Pictures"
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run  1  new jobs
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run  1  new jobs
digikam.database: " ( (Images.id IN (?,?,?,?,?,?)  ) ) "
digikam.database: Search query:
 "SELECT DISTINCT Images.id, Images.name, Images.album,       
Albums.albumRoot,        ImageInformation.rating, Images.category,       
ImageInformation.format, ImageInformation.creationDate,       
Images.modificationDate, Images.fileSize,        ImageInformation.width,
ImageInformation.height,        ImagePositions.latitudeNumber,
ImagePositions.longitudeNumber  FROM Images        LEFT JOIN ImageInformation
ON Images.id=ImageInformation.imageid        LEFT  JOIN ImageMetadata    ON
Images.id=ImageMetadata.imageid        LEFT  JOIN VideoMetadata    ON
Images.id=VideoMetadata.imageid        LEFT  JOIN ImagePositions   ON
Images.id=ImagePositions.imageid        INNER JOIN Albums           ON
Albums.id=Images.album WHERE Images.status=1 AND (  ( (Images.id IN
(?,?,?,?,?,?)  ) )  );" 
 (QVariant(qlonglong, 9818), QVariant(qlonglong, 9817), QVariant(qlonglong,
9816), QVariant(qlonglong, 9815), QVariant(qlonglong, 9814),
QVariant(qlonglong, 9813))
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.database: Search result: 84
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run  1  new jobs
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run  1  new jobs
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run  1  new jobs
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Stacked View Mode :  0
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Stacked View Mode :  0
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run  1  new jobs
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: One job is done
digikam.general: One job is done
digikam.general: One job is done
digikam.general: One job is done
digikam.general: One job is done
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.general: One job is done
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Dropbox Plugin Loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_dropboxui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Dropbox"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Flickr plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_flickrui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Flickr"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_YandexFotki plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_yandexfotkiui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "YandexFotki"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_PrintImages plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_printimagesui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "PrintImages"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_RemoteStorage plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file :
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "RemoteStorage"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_GoogleServices Plugin Loaded
kipi.library: UI file :
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Google Services"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_SendImages plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_sendimagesui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "SendImages"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Imageshack plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_imageshackui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Imageshack"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_MediaWiki plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_wikimediaui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "MediaWiki export"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Vkontakte plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_vkontakteui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "VKontakte"
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_flashexportui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "FlashExport"
kipi.plugins: Imgur plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_imgurui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Imgur"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_SendImages plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_kmlexportui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "KMLExport"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Smug plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_smugui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Smug"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_JAlbum plugin loaded
kipi.plugins: Reading jAlbum data from kipirc file..
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_jalbumui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "JAlbum"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Facebook plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_facebookui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Facebook"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Piwigo plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_piwigoui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Piwigo"
kipi.plugins: Plugin_Rajce plugin loaded
kipi.library: UI file : "/usr/share/kxmlgui5/kipi/kipiplugin_rajceui.rc"
kipi.library: Loaded plugin  "Rajce"
kipi.plugins: Reading data from kipirc file..
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.facesengine: Face database ready for use
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.facesengine: Face database ready for use
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.metaengine: Exiv2 ( 2 ) :  Directory OlympusCs, entry 0x0101: Strip 0
is outside of the data area; ignored.

digikam.general: scan mode: ScanDeferredFiles

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