[Digikam-devel] [digikam] [Bug 337737] MYSQL : settings and installation windows freeze when valid mariadb/mysql db connection is available

Marios Andreopoulos opensource at andmarios.com
Mon Sep 29 01:24:15 BST 2014


--- Comment #16 from Marios Andreopoulos <opensource at andmarios.com> ---
I don't have experience in the field but I tried to debug. Unfortunately almost
no tool shows any information when the bug occurs.
I build digikam with debug information and tried gdb, strace, ltrace,
xsession-errors and to enable console debug output from kdedebugdialog.

The only thing I could get was a ltrace. I started ltrace after digikam started
using 100% CPU. I captured for 30 seconds. As you can see it kept one core busy
for all these seconds. I don't know much about debugging, if there is something
more I can do please ask.

$ ltrace -c -p 1543
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls      function
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------------------
 25.07   14.428802        2932      4921 _ZN9KLineEdit7setTextERK7QString
 13.49    7.765201        3156      2460 _ZN13KUrlRequester6setUrlERK4KUrl
 13.35    7.686855        3123      2461 _ZN13KUrlRequester7setTextERK7QString
 11.47    6.600541         191     34454 _ZNK9KLineEdit10metaObjectEv
  5.19    2.988895         607      4922 _ZN6QTimer10singleShotEiP7QObjectPKc
  5.07    2.917442         395      7383 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent
  2.56    1.471184         199      7383 _ZNK11QMetaObject4castEP7QObject
  2.46    1.414286         191      7383 _ZN4KUrlD1Ev
  2.42    1.393034         188      7383 _ZN7QObject10childEventEP11QChildEvent
  1.74    0.999831         203      4922 _ZNK13KUrlRequester3urlEv
  1.64    0.942333         191      4922 memcpy
  1.63    0.940316         191      4922 _ZN4QDirC1ERK7QString
  1.63    0.939874         190      4922 _ZN4QDirD1Ev
  1.63    0.939664         190      4922 _ZN7QWidget10setVisibleEb
  1.63    0.937098         190      4922 _Z13qFlagLocationPKc
  1.63    0.937079         190      4922 _ZN7QString4freeEPNS_4DataE
  0.83    0.476242         193      2461 _ZN4QDir8homePathEv
  0.83    0.475179         193      2461 _ZN4KUrlC1ERK7QString
  0.82    0.474374         192      2461
  0.82    0.473673         192      2461
  0.82    0.473577         192      2461 _ZN4QDir14isRelativePathERK7QString
  0.82    0.473350         192      2461 _ZNK13KUrlRequester4textEv
  0.82    0.473245         192      2461
  0.82    0.471372         191      2461 _ZN7QStringC1EiN2Qt14InitializationE
  0.82    0.470804         191      2461 _ZNK4KUrl4pathENS_16AdjustPathOptionE
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------------------
100.00   57.564251                135353 total

strace during freeze just gave many lines likes this:

brk(0xeedc000)                          = 0xeedc000
brk(0xeefd000)                          = 0xeefd000
brk(0xef1e000)                          = 0xef1e000
brk(0xef3f000)                          = 0xef3f000
brk(0xef60000)                          = 0xef60000
brk(0xef81000)                          = 0xef81000
brk(0xefa2000)                          = 0xefa2000
brk(0xefc3000)                          = 0xefc3000
brk(0xefe4000)                          = 0xefe4000

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