[Digikam-devel] [digikam] [Bug 340945] New: libkgeomap, libmediawiki, libkvkontakte, libkface not found
nucleo at fedoraproject.org
Fri Nov 14 06:01:58 GMT 2014
Bug ID: 340945
Summary: libkgeomap, libmediawiki, libkvkontakte, libkface not
Product: digikam
Version: 4.5.0
Platform: Other
OS: other
Severity: normal
Priority: NOR
Component: general
Assignee: digikam-devel at kde.org
Reporter: nucleo at fedoraproject.org
libkgeomap, libmediawiki, libkvkontakte, libkface not found when compiling
digiKam 4.5.0:
-- PKGCONFIG() indicates that libmediawiki is not installed (install the
package which contains libmediawiki.pc if you want to support this feature)
-- Check Vkontakte library in local sub-folder...
-- Check Vkontakte library using pkg-config...
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro, use FindPkgConfig
-- PKGCONFIG() indicates that libkvkontakte is not installed (install the
package which contains libkvkontakte.pc if you want to support this feature)
-- Found HUpnpCore : /usr/include/HUpnpCore /usr/lib64/libHUpnp.so
-- Could NOT find required package HUpnpAv: <http://herqq.org>
-- Found ImageMagick: /usr/lib64/libMagickCore-6.Q16.so (found version
-- Boost hasn't been found yet. Looking...
-- Boost version: 1.55.0
-- GCC 4.5 or later detected. Enabling C++0x support in QTGSTREAMER_FLAGS.
CMake Warning at extra/kipi-plugins/CMakeLists.txt:131 (message):
libkgeomap: Version information not found, your version is probably too
-- Found X11: /usr/lib64/libX11.so
-- First try at finding OpenCV...
-- Great, found OpenCV on the first try.
-- OpenCV Root directory is: /usr/lib64/OpenCV
-- OpenCV: Found version 2.4.9 (required: 2.4.9)
-- OpenCV headers: /usr/include/opencv;/usr/include
-- OpenCV libs :
-- kipi-plugins 4.5.0 dependencies results <http://www.digikam.org>
-- libqt found.............................. YES
-- libkde found............................. YES
-- libjpeg found............................ YES
-- libtiff found............................ YES
-- libpng found............................. YES
-- libkipi found............................ YES
-- libkexiv2 found.......................... YES
-- libkdcraw found.......................... YES
-- libxml2 found............................ YES (optional)
-- libxslt found............................ YES (optional)
-- libexpat found........................... YES (optional)
-- libopencv found.......................... YES (optional)
-- libqjson found........................... YES (optional)
-- libkdepimlibs found...................... YES (optional)
-- libqca found............................. YES (optional)
-- libkgeomap found......................... NO (optional)
-- Kipi-plugins will be compiled without libkgeomap support.
-- Please install the libkgeomap (version >= 3.0.0) development package.
-- libmediawiki found....................... NO (optional)
-- Kipi-plugins will be compiled without libmediawiki support.
-- Please install the libmediawiki (version >= 1.0.0) development package.
-- libkvkontakte found...................... NO (optional)
-- Kipi-plugins will be compiled without libkvkontakte support.
-- Please install the libkvkontakte (version >= 0.1.0) development package.
-- libimagemagick found..................... YES (optional)
-- libqtgstreamer found..................... YES (optional)
-- libgpod found............................ YES (optional)
-- libgdk found............................. YES (optional)
-- libqtkoauth found........................ NO (optional)
-- Kipi-plugins will be compiled without libqtkoauth support.
-- Please install the libqtkoauth (version >= 0.97) development package.
-- libksane found........................... YES (optional)
-- libhupnp found........................... NO (optional)
-- Internal version used instead
-- Please install the libhupnp (version >= 2.0.0) development package.
-- libqtsoap found.......................... NO (optional)
-- Kipi-plugins will be compiled without libqtsoap support.
-- Please install the libqtsoap (version >= 2.7.0) development package.
-- native threads support found............. YES (optional)
-- native Opengl support found.............. YES (optional)
-- Qt4 OpenGL module found.................. YES (optional)
-- libX11 found............................. YES (optional)
-- kipi-plugins will be compiled............ YES
-- Shwup will be compiled................... YES (optional)
-- YandexFotki will be compiled............. YES (optional)
-- HtmlExport will be compiled.............. YES (optional)
-- AdvancedSlideshow will be compiled....... YES (optional)
-- ImageViewer will be compiled............. YES (optional)
-- AcquireImages will be compiled........... YES (optional)
-- DNGConverter will be compiled............ YES (optional)
-- DLNAExport will be compiled.............. NO (optional - Look README file
for more details about dependencies)
-- RemoveRedEyes will be compiled........... YES (optional)
-- Debian Screenshots will be compiled...... YES (optional)
-- Facebook will be compiled................ YES (optional)
-- Imgur will be compiled................... YES (optional)
-- GoogleDrive will be compiled............. YES (optional)
-- Dropbox will be compiled................. YES (optional)
-- VKontakte will be compiled............... NO (optional - Look README file
for more details about dependencies)
-- IpodExport will be compiled.............. YES (optional)
-- Calendar will be compiled................ YES (optional)
-- GPSSync will be compiled................. NO (optional - Look README file
for more details about dependencies)
-- Mediawiki will be compiled............... NO (optional - Look README file
for more details about dependencies)
-- Panorama will be compiled................ YES (optional)
-- VideoSlideshow will be compiled.......... YES (optional)
-- Wallpaper will be compiled............... NO (optional - Look README file
for more details about dependencies)
-- Found QtGstreamer version: 1.2.0
-- Using GStreamer API 1: TRUE
-- PKGCONFIG() indicates that libkface is not installed (install the package
which contains libkface.pc if you want to support this feature)
-- Check for KGeoMap library in local sub-folder...
-- Check KGeoMap library using pkg-config...
-- checking for one of the modules 'libkgeomap'
-- Found Jasper: /usr/lib64/libjasper.so (found version "1.900.1")
-- Found Eigen3: /usr/include/eigen3 (Required is at least version "2.91.0")
-- Boost version: 1.55.0
-- First try at finding OpenCV...
-- Great, found OpenCV on the first try.
-- OpenCV Root directory is: /usr/lib64/OpenCV
-- OpenCV: Found version 2.4.9 (required: 2.4.9)
-- OpenCV headers: /usr/include/opencv;/usr/include
-- OpenCV libs :
-- libkdcraw: Found version 2.4.2 (required: 2.2.0)
CMake Warning at core/CMakeLists.txt:155 (message):
libkgeomap: Version information not found, your version is probably too
-- Check for LCMS2 availability...
-- checking for module 'lcms2'
-- found lcms2, version 2.6
-- Found lcms version 2.06, /usr/lib64/liblcms2.so
-- Found LCMS2: /usr/lib64/liblcms2.so /usr/include
-- Libjpeg version: 62
-- Found MySQL server executable at: /usr/libexec/mysqld
-- Found MySQL install_db executable at: /usr/bin/mysql_install_db
-- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen (found version "1.8.8")
-- Could NOT find Sqlite2 (missing: SQLITE2_LIBRARIES SQLITE2_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro, use FindPkgConfig
-- Performing Test HAVE_LQR_0_4
-- Performing Test HAVE_LQR_0_4 - Success
-- Found Lqr-1: /usr/include/lqr-1
-- Found gphoto2: -lgphoto2_port -lm;-lgphoto2 -lm -lgphoto2_port -lm -lexif
-- Found LIBUSB: /usr/lib64/libusb.so
-- checking for module 'lensfun'
-- found lensfun, version
-- Found LensFun: /usr/include/lensfun (found version "")
-- liblensfun: Found version (required:
-- digiKam 4.5.0 dependencies results <http://www.digikam.org>
-- Qt4 SQL module found..................... YES
-- MySQL Server found....................... YES
-- MySQL install_db tool found.............. YES
-- libqt found.............................. YES
-- libkde found............................. YES
-- libjpeg found............................ YES
-- libtiff found............................ YES
-- libpng found............................. YES
-- liblcms found............................ YES
-- libboostgraph found...................... YES
-- libkexiv2 found.......................... YES
-- libkdcraw found.......................... YES
-- libpgf found............................. YES
-- libopencv found.......................... YES
-- libkipi found............................ YES (optional)
-- libkface found........................... NO (optional)
-- digiKam will be compiled without faces detection and recognition support.
-- Please install the libkface (version >= 2.0.0) development package.
-- libkgeomap found......................... NO (optional)
-- digiKam will be compiled without geolocation maps support.
-- Please install the libkgeomap (version >= 3.0.0 development package.
-- libkdepimlibs found...................... YES (optional)
-- libjasper found.......................... YES (optional)
-- liblensfun found......................... YES (optional)
-- liblqr-1 found........................... YES (optional)
-- libeigen3 found.......................... YES (optional)
-- libgphoto2 found......................... YES (optional)
-- libbaloo found........................... YES (optional)
-- libsqlite2 found......................... NO (optional)
-- digiKam will be compiled without database version <= 0.7 importing support.
-- Please install the libsqlite2 (version >= 2.0.0) development package.
-- doxygen found............................ YES (optional)
-- digiKam can be compiled.................. YES
Reproducible: Always
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