[Digikam-devel] [digikam] [Bug 336021] DigiKam does not show translated messages for Marble.

Michael G. Hansen mike at mghansen.de
Tue Jun 10 21:18:50 BST 2014


Michael G. Hansen <mike at mghansen.de> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|DigiKam don't get           |DigiKam does not show
                   |translated messages from    |translated messages for
                   |Marble.                     |Marble.

--- Comment #5 from Michael G. Hansen <mike at mghansen.de> ---

Gilles, the code you mention only loads the translations for libkgeomap. I
added code to also load the translations for Marble there as well. I am not
sure whether this is the official way to do it, but it works on my system.

Best regards,


PS: For people with English locales, to test another language type this:
LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=de_DE.UTF-8 digikam

Note that you have to have kde-l10n-de installed on Kubuntu.

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