[Digikam-devel] [libkipi] libkipi: more deprecated methods for the future, including time management methods. Use universal *attributes* methods instead to be

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 11:53:18 GMT 2012

Git commit 0cb41977f2a938e882c6bd5da021ebcee4284f8f by Gilles Caulier.
Committed on 05/02/2012 at 12:49.
Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'.

more deprecated methods for the future, including time management methods. Use universal *attributes* methods instead to be
able to extend image properties exchange between plugins and kipi host without to break binary compatibility when new
methods are introducing in library.
CCMAIL: kde-imaging at kde.org
CCMAIL: digikam-devel at kde.org

M  +25   -14   libkipi/imageinfo.h
M  +6    -8    libkipi/imageinfoshared.h


diff --git a/libkipi/imageinfo.h b/libkipi/imageinfo.h
index 62979f9..c188e54 100644
--- a/libkipi/imageinfo.h
+++ b/libkipi/imageinfo.h
@@ -55,11 +55,6 @@ namespace KIPI
 class ImageInfoShared;
-enum TimeSpec
-    FromInfo,
-    ToInfo
 /** @class ImageInfo
     Holds info about an image
@@ -140,33 +135,49 @@ public:
     KUrl path() const;
     QString toString( const QVariant& ) const;
+    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // NOTE: Deprecated Methods. Do not use it, they will be removed in the future...
+    //
+    // More universal methods based on attributes must be used instead to extend more easily data exange between 
+    // kipi-plugins and kipi host without to break binary compatibility.
+    // Deprecated data used by time() and setTime()
+    enum TimeSpec
+    {
+        FromInfo,
+        ToInfo
+    };
         Returns the time of the image.
         In case the host application supports time range, the spec argument
         specifies if it is the start or end time that should be returned.
-    */
-    QDateTime time( TimeSpec spec = FromInfo ) const;
+        Replaced by attributes(QString("date"))
+     */
+    KDE_DEPRECATED QDateTime time( TimeSpec spec = FromInfo ) const;
         See \ref time
-    */
-    void setTime( const QDateTime& time, TimeSpec spec = FromInfo );
+        Replaced by addAttributes(QMap < QString("date"), QDateTime(...) >)
+     */
+    KDE_DEPRECATED void setTime( const QDateTime& time, TimeSpec spec = FromInfo );
         In the case the application supports time ranges (like this image is
         from 1998-2000), this method will return true if the time is an exact
         specification, and thus not a range.
-    */
-    bool isTimeExact() const;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // NOTE: Deprecated Methods. Do not use it, they will be removed in the future...
+        This method is deprecated because it have never used by kipi-plugins.
+     */
+    KDE_DEPRECATED bool isTimeExact() const;
     /** replaced by attributes(QString("comment"))
     KDE_DEPRECATED QString description() const;
-    /** replaced by addAttributes(QMap < QString("comment"), QString("...") >)
+    /** replaced by addAttributes(QMap < QString("comment"), QString(...) >)
     KDE_DEPRECATED void setDescription( const QString& description);
diff --git a/libkipi/imageinfoshared.h b/libkipi/imageinfoshared.h
index 955c331..b164d97 100644
--- a/libkipi/imageinfoshared.h
+++ b/libkipi/imageinfoshared.h
@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ public:
     ImageInfoShared( KIPI::Interface* const interface, const KUrl& url );
     virtual ~ImageInfoShared();
-    QString toString(const QVariant&);
     virtual QString name();
     virtual void    setName(const QString&);
@@ -72,18 +70,18 @@ public:
     virtual void addAttributes(const QMap<QString, QVariant>&) = 0;
     virtual void delAttributes(const QStringList& ) = 0;
-    virtual int  size();
-    virtual KUrl path();
     virtual void cloneData(ImageInfoShared* const other);
-    virtual QDateTime time(KIPI::TimeSpec spec);
-    virtual void      setTime(const QDateTime& time, TimeSpec spec = FromInfo);
-    virtual bool      isTimeExact();
+    virtual int  size();
+    virtual KUrl path();
     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Deprecated methods. Do not use it. See Imageinfo for details.
+    KDE_DEPRECATED virtual QDateTime time(KIPI::TimeSpec spec);
+    KDE_DEPRECATED virtual void      setTime(const QDateTime& time, TimeSpec spec = FromInfo);
+    KDE_DEPRECATED virtual bool      isTimeExact();
     KDE_DEPRECATED virtual QString description();
     KDE_DEPRECATED virtual void    setDescription(const QString&);

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