[Digikam-devel] separate branch for releases

Veaceslav Munteanu slavuttici at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 19:49:29 BST 2011


When was the last release, everybody was told that 2 weeks before the
release, no features must be commited in branch master, only bugfixes.

i thinks is not right to stop the development process and i have a small

A month before release of certain version of digikam, to create a separate
branch, where only bugfixes and be applied.I don't know, maybe to apply
bugfixes on both master and new release branch and delete the branch or
simply to add bugfixes and merge the branch after release.

Also, branch can give us  more time for testing, so we could prevent
situations like these:

and development process won't stop especially when you need to apply fixes
that depends on code that wasn't commited yet.

What do you think?

p.s. Idea was "stolen" from Karl Fogel's book, Producing Open Source
Software :)


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