[Digikam-devel] Re: Migrated to git!

Michael G. Hansen mike at mghansen.de
Sun Feb 6 16:11:05 GMT 2011

Hi Marcel,

thanks for making the transition, well done!

On 02/06/2011 04:40 PM, Marcel Wiesweg wrote:
>> [gilles at localhost digikam-sc]$ ./download-repos
>> Initialized empty Git repository in
>> /mnt/data/devel/GIT/digikam-sc/core/.git/ fatal: The remote end hung up
>> unexpectedly
>> Could not clone kde://digikam onto core
> Ok, I checked my ~/.gitconfig and found there "kde://" instead of "kde:"
> (probably following an older version of the page)
> Of course, for me kde:// always worked, but not for you following the current
> techbase advice...
> The super-repo is adjusted to use "kde:" now, so the script should work again.

Chaning from kde:// to kde: opens a new problem, as apparently gits 
thinks the URL is relative and creates bad URLs:

(sid-kde-46)mike at operator:/c/temp/kde/trunk-svn/digikam-sc$ cat .gitslave
"kde:digikam" "core"
"kde:libkface" "extra/libkface"
"kde:libkmap" "extra/libkmap"
"kde:kipi-plugins" "extra/kipi-plugins"
(sid-kde-46)mike at operator:/c/temp/kde/trunk-svn/digikam-sc$ ./gits -v 
Progress bar unavailable - install Term::ProgressBar 
(perl-Term-ProgressBar RPM)
gits: Cloning core
Running command: `(git config remote.origin.url) 2>&1`
Running command: `git clone  "kde:digikam/digikam" "core"`
Cloning into core...
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Could not clone kde:digikam/digikam onto core

When I changed kde:digikam to kde://digikam (and did the same in 
~/.gitconfig), the checkout worked. So we either have to use the kde:// 
scheme or patch gits...


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