[Digikam-devel] Digikam Documentation

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Mon Nov 8 21:40:05 GMT 2010

Hi Digikam Devels,

today I stumbled over this bug report:
"„Help / digiKam Handbook“ menu item is misleading"

Digging into this I found that the digikam tarballs 1.2-1.5 have no 
documentation dir and no doc translations.

The latest released tarball with digikam documentation and its translations I 
found on the digikam website is version 0.9.5 from 2009-01-13

To me this looks like since about two years the digikam documentation is 
processed by scripty once a day, translators work on it and generate language 
docbooks, but their effort was silently dropped since the beginning of 2009.

This seems to be strange, or am I wrong here and missed a doc translation 
tarball release since 0.9.5?

Burkhard Lück
KDE Translation Team
kde-i18n-doc at kde.org

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