[Digikam-devel] Tool / Filter Description

Andi Clemens andi.clemens at gmx.net
Mon Mar 8 06:46:23 GMT 2010

This is a simple QFrame with CSS styling for the round corners, this CSS style 
can be adopted to our theming engine I guess.

I don't think that every single widget must respect the KDE look and feel, but 
anyway this was just a suggestion. We can display the information in another 
way. I only wanted it to be more separated from the rest of the settings, and 
since a QFrame with "QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame:.Sunken" doesn't look the 
same for every KDE theme (some themes don't even draw a border), I used a CSS 
style that will make sure that it looks the same for every KDE theme, Windows 
and MacOSX.

Andi Clemens

On Saturday 06 March 2010 16:58:01 Johannes Wienke wrote:
> Am 06.03.2010 14:58 schrieb Andi Clemens:
> > Another variant (shorter label):
> > http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2697/4411072496_d308145844_b.jpg
> What kind of widget are you using for this? We should ensure that it is
> consistent with the global KDE look and feel.
> Nevertheless, I would prefer the first version or any other kind the
> uses the whole width.
> Johannes

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