[Digikam-devel] Compiling the GSoC branch on Windows XP with mingw4

David Eriksson meldavid at acc.umu.se
Thu Jul 15 09:06:58 BST 2010

Gilles Caulier skrev:
> Thanks a lots David, i will apply your patch to svn.
> Usually, i patch myself code under windows, but currently, my windows
> install is broken, after to try to install mingw4.
> How do you install mingw4 on your computer to work with you KDE4
> install ? Here, i always use mingw3 based on gcc 3.x. I used standard
> install setup program from mingw SF download page, as i explain to my
> tutuorial :
> http://www.digikam.org/drupal/node/525
When I started to compile digikam I followed your previous tutorial. 
After some time I tried to use emerge as explained here 
http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4/Windows/emerge . But 
that way I had to compile everything from scratch and that was not what 
I wanted, I just wanted to compile digikam. So now I use your way, 
install with the installer and then I only compiles digikam and other 
libraries that I need. The compiler however I install similar to the 
emerge-way. That is I download the mingw-packages according to the 
emerge-script for mingw4 
. I think that the installer packages are created using emerge so this 
gives me the same compiler as is used for the precompiled packages. At 
least it works and I can compile digikam without problems.

> Do you tried to use TDM-GCC install ?
> http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/

The patch for libkexiv2 is needed in the trunk also, KDE SC 4.5 does not 
compile without it.



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