[Digikam-devel] ICCProofTool

Marcel Wiesweg marcel.wiesweg at gmx.de
Wed Oct 28 18:37:58 GMT 2009

> Hi,
> what was the intent of the ICCProofTool. If I'm not completely wrong, it
>   is not built atm?

It tried to do soft proofing (as the name suggests) but also color profile 
conversion and or assignment. Added some editing options like curve adjust 
iirc, useful for softproofing.

Following user wishes, soft proofing is not a plugin anymore but a view 
comparable to the over/underexposure tool. This means you can use any effect, 
including curves or levels adjust, and so the soft proofing effects 

Color space conversion is done from the menu. There is not much sense of 
having a preview for conversion because by definition the look of the image 
will not change. I am thinking of a plugin with the CIE diagram of 
source+target profile in the main panel instead of the image preview.

I am not sure about the need for a plugin for profile assigment, which is 
correction of a faulty previous profile assignment. I am thinking of an option 
to "redo manual color management" and show the color dialog again.

What we definitely need is a BQM tool for profile conversion and assigment.
(Even more to correct these wrong sRGB profiles we introduced for a long time 
in edited images)


> Johannes

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