[Digikam-devel] problems with building svn (marble related)

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 08:17:44 BST 2009

2009/10/9 Arnd Baecker <arnd.baecker at web.de>:
> Dear all,
> after quite some time I wanted to build digikam from svn and
> get the following error:
>  digikam/libs/imageproperties/markerclusterholder.cpp: In member function
> 'void Digikam::MarkerClusterHolder::reorderClustersPixelGrid()':
> graphics/digikam/libs/imageproperties/markerclusterholder.cpp:573: error:
> no matching function for call to
> 'Marble::MarbleWidget::screenCoordinates(qreal, qreal, qreal&, qreal&)'
> (Full error is at the end of this mail).
> Should digikam from svn build with marble from svn,
> or is a specific marble version needed?
> Any help is appreciated!

Hi Arnd,

No, digiKam do not require a specific marble version. For ex, me i use
an old version published with KDE 4.2.2, not trunk code. digiKam must
detect and adpat compilation to the marble version found.

Do you use marble from trunk ? Perhaps something has changed. Do you
mix more tahn one version at the same time ?


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