[Digikam-devel] wavelet denoising

sean darcy seandarcy2 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 03:00:24 GMT 2009

Ok. Grabbed it. Built it. That worked.

So what parameters work? What is a ggod start?


Gilles Caulier wrote:
> Johanness !
> Plugin is done. All compile and run fine with 8 OR 16 bits color depth images.
> http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/~cgilles/noisereduction/
> I want a beer !
> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2541/4120824786_c606d3bac7_b.jpg
> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2635/4120068613_73d223d6a3_b.jpg
> Please, test report and comment.
> Question : we replace old denoise tool, or we add this one to old one
> as option, like it's do with sharpen tool which merge 3 tools to one
> (simple sharp, unsharp mask, refocus)
> Gilles
> 2009/11/20 Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>:
>> Johannes,
>> code is there :
>> http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/~cgilles/noisereduction/
>> All compile fine. no crash. But it's doesn't work very well yet... We
>> need to hack
>> Gilles
>> 2009/11/19 Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>:
>>> Algorithm compile now on my computer. GUI need to be done...
>>> Gilles
>>> 2009/11/19 Johannes Wienke <languitar at semipol.de>:
>>>> Am 19.11.2009 10:05 schrieb Gilles Caulier:
>>>>> I cannot resist to do it. It's really easy to make a tool with this
>>>>> code... (:=)))
>>>> Great.
>>>>> Also, it give nice result and is more easy to use than current digiKam
>>>>> NR tool...
>>>> To be honest, I really don't understand all the options of the current
>>>> denoising tool.
>>>> Johannes

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