[Digikam-devel] Windows compilation is broken : Soprano depency...
Gilles Caulier
caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 11:07:00 BST 2009
Under windows (XP and Vista), Soprano include dir is not found. Of
course headers are installed here with KDE 4.2.2 devel package.
CMake report this error :
-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.
+ imlib: imlib is needed to build kuickshow project
+ Soprano: Semantic Desktop Storing <>
Soprano is needed for Nepomuk
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but
they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the
CMake files:
Or perhaps it's due to Nepomuk depency ? I cannot see Nepomuk package
in Windows installer. If yes, Nepomuk interface just need to be
disabled under windows...
Gilles Caulier
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