[Digikam-devel] newbie question

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at wp.pl
Thu Jul 2 20:16:18 BST 2009

On Monday 29 June 2009 13:06:36 Lex Thoonen wrote:
> Hi people,
> newbie alert...
> I'm checking the docs etc but haven't been able to find this yet
> (hopefully rather simple):
> I come from lightroom/windows and am pretty serious about
> linux/digikam. However, one thing I do a lot is not as obvious to me:
> Normally, in a folder I'd rate an amount of images with a star (or
> more). Those I then select and then...
> (sofar so good with digikam)
> in lightroom i used to
> a) go to export, where I pointed to a local folder
> b) rename the pictures with incrementing number behind it
> c) set dimensions (1024px longest side)
> d) and have it export the selected images.
> Those Iwould then upload to my gallery2.
> Now, I'm not using gallery2 anymore, as I've redone my site to a
> joomla site, and joomla and gallery2 together makes for a very slow
> site. So I thought I'd try joomlagallery. Seems fine sofar, serveing
> its purpose, but in digikam i haven't yet found out how to do 'a)'
> here above, how to export resized images to a local folder (and leave
> the originals in the original size).
> 'b)' would be nice, but is not very important.
> Is 'a)' possible and if so, how?

Better place would be digikam-users list.

But - digiKam doesn't offer way to export to local folder outside of 
collection. Yes, it bother me too.

My workflow is: create new album, rate images, filter by rating, Ctrl+A, drag 
to new album, use copy option and perform there various operations, export at 
the end.

In near future you can use Batch Queue Manager make export to album inside 
collection, with renaming and resizing in one step. Export in second.


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