[Digikam-devel] extragear/graphics/digikam

Marcel Wiesweg marcel.wiesweg at gmx.de
Thu Jul 2 10:10:56 BST 2009

> I cannot found MYSql embeded code in Amarok. only this code :
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/collection/mysq

As Andi already said, it relies on distributions shipping the database.
The full name is "MySQL Embedded Server"; the point is that you do not need a 
full MySQL server process running, including all administrative stuff like 
user access rights, but can run this from inside your application.

Please note that we can also take a look at Akonadi, who are running a 
dedicated MySQL server process, but also probably without extra 

> Look the commit comment.
> Look also that #include <mysql.h> is used. sound like to use mysql
> installed on the system, not Qt4 SQL plugin.

Yes, I think there is no Qt4 MySQL plugin that links to libmysqld.so, but only 
a plugin that links to libmysqlclient.so.
Judging from the docs:


it means we have to take the source of the Qt MySQL plugin, compile it 
ourselves just with the difference of linking to the embedded server libs 
instead of the client libs.

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