[Digikam-devel] desperate

Andi Clemens andi.clemens at gmx.net
Wed Jul 2 07:58:42 BST 2008

I have the same problem, only solution for me with gcc 4.3.1 is to set full
debugging (this seems to do more than just setting -O0):

1. create a build dir in your source folder
2. cd build

If your users env variables are not set to KDE4, please change the variable
$KDEDIR manually to the current KDE4 installation.

This should work, I compile my source 3 times a day.


Jasper Mackenzie wrote:

> Still trying to compile digikam from kde4 trunk,
>   still getting greycstoration issues.
> How do you, the developers, overcome this?
>   Can I (non dev) do the same.
> Tried cIMG 1.2.0 and 1.2.9, both precompiled and compiled from source with
> debians gcc 4.3.1-2, no issues or errors.
> Tried with O0, and O1, no difference. (with  -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O0" for
> digikam), both in digikam and cimg.
> Thank you.

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