[Digikam-devel] XMP to solve tags name and Tags Path record in pictures metadata...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 13:19:54 BST 2007

> > The only tags witch cann ot be sync is makernote. A possible solution is
> > to host markernotes byte array as binary string in a dedicaced Xmp tag.
> > but it doesn't exist in norm.
> Binary XML is evil ;) As you wrote in several occasions (in
> apprehension) - leave Makernotes as they are and don't touch them
> if not really necessary.
> Personally I am interested *exclusively* in contextual metadata like
> covered in Dublin Core and IPTC Core.
> > The way to save markernot in Xmp is
> > important, especially with TIFF file format. libtiff is weird to
> > handle/manage all Exif tags. When we convert a RAW file to TIFF, all
> > Exif/Markernotes tags diseapear. Until than Exiv2 support tiff writing
> > mode, this can be an alternative...

Hey Mik, do you remember this entry about TIFF and Exif (:=))):


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