[Digikam-devel] patch for zooming with the

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Tue May 8 15:37:54 BST 2007


attached is a small patch for the previewwidget.cpp
which tries to keep the position under the mouse-pointer
fixed when using CTRL-mousewheel.

Overall it works fine, though it does not stay on
the point with pixel accuracy (sometimes it
jumps around a bit). I have no idea where this comes
from, either it is an error in the logic, or the way
the adjustment is made, or it has to do with
some internal behaviour of  the ``center`` function...

Gilles, maybe you could have a look at the patch
and give me some feed-back.
If you are interested, I would try to also implement this
for the ImageEditor itself.

Best, Arnd
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