[Digikam-devel] Reg Kipi-interface in Digikam

Colin Guthrie kde at colin.guthr.ie
Sun May 21 16:04:14 BST 2006

Vardhman Jain wrote:
> On 5/21/06, *Caulier Gilles* 
> <caulier.gilles at kdemail.net 
> <mailto:caulier.gilles at kdemail.net>> wrote:
>     Well, still todo... yes?
> Yep, Can we do it when the need is felt ? As of now I don't know if any 
> kipi-plugin needs functionality to write Attributes for an image in to 
> digikam database.

SOrry for hijacking your thread on my first post to this mailing list 
but perhaps this is a good opportunity for me to understand a little bit 
more about Digikam before I start any development work.

I want to code tighter integration with the Gallery2 plugin into 
Digikam. This would involve allowing additional configuriation of 
"Albums" to allow sync'ing to a particular G2 Album. Allowing certain 
images to be excluded from the sync, and downloading user comments from 
G2 for viewing in Digikam (may require modifying the G2 end).

I have not started looking at the Digikam code yet so apologies if this 
is premature... I hope to be able to have a look in the next few months.

Would these methods you are talking about be needed to e.g. write a "Do 
not sync to G2" flag against a given image?

The reason I posted here on this thread was because you mentioned Flikr 
and I see the Flikr and G2 syncs as being very similar (conceptually at 

All the best



|     Colin Guthrie      |
| kde(at)colin.guthr.ie  |
| http://colin.guthr.ie/ |

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