[Digikam-devel] extragear/graphics/digikam/utilities

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at free.fr
Fri May 12 09:11:06 BST 2006

SVN commit 539979 by cgilles:

digikam from trunk : RAW decoding and ICC color management workflow into image editor: If "using embeded ICC profile into RAW file" dcraw option is used, disable Image Editor color management.

IMPORTANT : there is a full description of the ICC color management workflow with RAW files in the DImgInterface::slotImageLoaded() method from dimginterface.cpp. Please take a look...

Gerhard : please check these description to write the digiKam handbook. Thanks in advance...

CCBUGS: 125733
CCMAIL: digikam-devel at kde.org, francisco.jct at gmail.com, gerhard at kulzer.net

 M  +68 -2     imageeditor/canvas/dimginterface.cpp  
 M  +0 -18     imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp  
 M  +2 -2      setup/setupiofiles.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/graphics/digikam/utilities/imageeditor/canvas/dimginterface.cpp #539978:539979
@@ -209,11 +209,77 @@
         d->valid      = true;
         d->width      = d->origWidth;
         d->height     = d->origHeight;
+        valRet        = true;
-        valRet        = true;
+        /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+         * ICC workflow rules depending of IO file settings and ICC managment settings
+         * if a RAW image is loaded:
+         * 
+         ***************************************************************
+         * RAW ICC color   *    digiKam color   *     digiKam color    *
+         *   correction    *     management     *      management      *
+         * during decoding *       enable       *        disable       *
+         ***************************************************************
+         *                 *   digiKam ICC      *                      *
+         *    Disable      *  workflow will be  *    nothing to do     *
+         *    (NOICC)      *     only used      *                      *
+         *                 *                    *                      *
+         *                 *  [enableICC = ON]  *  [enableICC = OFF]   *
+         ***************************************************************
+         *                 *   digiKam ICC      *    If an embeded     *
+         *  Using embeded  *   workflow is      * profile is found in  *
+         *     profile     *     disable        * image, dcraw use it  *
+         *     (EMBED)     *                    * output profile=sRGB  *
+         *                 *                    *                      *
+         *                 *  [enableICC = OFF] *  [enableICC = OFF]   *
+         ***************************************************************
+         *                 *  Input and output  *                      *
+         *  Using digiKam  *   color profiles   *    nothing to do     *
+         *   ICC settings  *  from digiKam ICC  *                      *
+         *  (USERPROFILE)  *  settings will be  *                      *
+         *                 *    used by dcraw   *                      *
+         *                 *                    *                      *
+         *                 *  [enableICC = OFF] *  [enableICC = OFF]   *
+         ***************************************************************
+         *
+         * NOTE: If we trying to use the embedded ICC color profile from a RAW file we 
+         *       cannot use the digiKam ICC color management here because we don't have 
+         *       a feedback from dcraw if an embedded profile have been really found in 
+         *       the picture and applied to the image. A solution will be found to use 
+         *       libopenraw instead dcraw in the future.
+         *
+         */        
+        // With other format than RAW, we can using digiKam ICC color management workflow.
+        bool enableICC = true;
-        if (d->cmSettings->enableCMSetting)
+        if (d->image.attribute("format").toString() == QString("RAW"))
+            switch (d->iofileSettings->rawDecodingSettings.ICCColorCorrectionMode)
+            {
+                case RawDecodingSettings::NOICC:
+                {
+                    d->cmSettings->enableCMSetting ? enableICC = true : enableICC = false;  
+                    break;
+                }
+                case RawDecodingSettings::EMBED:
+                {
+                    enableICC = false;
+                    break;
+                }
+                case RawDecodingSettings::USERPROFILE:
+                {
+                    enableICC = false;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (enableICC == false)            
+                kdWarning() << "ICC workflow have been disable with this image!" << endl;
+        }    
+        if (d->cmSettings->enableCMSetting && enableICC)
+        {
             if (d->cmSettings->askOrApplySetting)
                 apply = true;
--- trunk/extragear/graphics/digikam/utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp #539978:539979
@@ -734,24 +734,6 @@
     m_IOFileSettings->rawDecodingSettings.cameraICCProfilePath    = m_ICCSettings->inputSetting;
     m_IOFileSettings->rawDecodingSettings.outputICCProfilePath    = m_ICCSettings->workspaceSetting;
-    // If ICC color management is disabled, we need to control finely ICC color corrections during RAW files decoding.
-    if (!m_ICCSettings->enableCMSetting)
-    {
-        switch (m_IOFileSettings->rawDecodingSettings.ICCColorCorrectionMode)
-        {
-            case RawDecodingSettings::EMBED:
-                // Disable ouput ICC profile corrections.
-                m_IOFileSettings->rawDecodingSettings.outputICCProfilePath = QString::null;
-                break;
-            case RawDecodingSettings::USERPROFILE:
-                // Disable all.
-                m_ICCSettings->enableCMSetting = RawDecodingSettings::NOICC;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
     // -- GUI Settings -------------------------------------------------------
     QSizePolicy rightSzPolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding, 2, 1);
--- trunk/extragear/graphics/digikam/utilities/setup/setupiofiles.cpp #539978:539979
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@
     d->iccColorsCorrection->insertItem( i18n("Using digiKam ICC settings") );
     QWhatsThis::add( d->iccColorsCorrection, i18n("<p>This option toogle the right way to use ICC color profiles during "
                      "RAW files decoding.<p>"
-                     "If you want do all ICC color correction outside RAW file decoding process, use <b>Disabled</b>.<p>"
+                     "If you want to process all the ICC color correction outside RAW file decoding, use <b>Disabled</b>.<p>"
                      "If you want to use the embeded ICC profile includes into RAW files (if exists), use "
-                     "<b>Using embeded profile</b>.<p>"
+                     "<b>Using embeded profile</b>. Warning: with this option the ICC color correction processed outside the RAW file decoding will be disable!<p>"
                      "If you want to use the ICC profiles setttings from ICC color management page, use "
                      "<b>Using digiKam ICC Settings</b>. You need to enable and set the right ICC color managment for that.<p>"));

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