[Digikam-devel] image plugin settings sidebar...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at kdemail.net
Fri Mar 17 13:17:34 GMT 2006

Hi all,

Here we are a patch for common image plugin dialogs to use a sidebar tab with 
plugins settings :


Why using sidebar in image plugins ? 

Well, i'm currently working to port to 16 bits the "Insert Text" plugin. The 
settings area is big and reduce considerably the preview area. Rewritting 
Inser Text settings widget can a long task...

Instead, you can use a sidebar tab. If after to have set all parameters you 
toogle off the sidebar tab, you can use the full dialog size to render the 
preview... With Insert Text plugins, render area is used to move the text at 
the right place.

The patch add the sidebar to all colors plugins  (Adjust Curves, White 
Balance, BCG, HSL, RGB blanace, B&W, Auto-Corrections, etc.) and all plugins 
using a guide (Free rotation, Shear, Perpective, Lens distortion, etc.)

The only one plugin witch not use it is Ratio crop tool, because the dialog 
plugin don't inherit of common plugin dialog (this is an error and must be 
fixed (:=)))

To apply the patch, just go to digikam/libs/dialogs, copy the patch into, and 
run "patch -p0 < imgpluginssb.patch".

Please give me your viewpoint about this patch.


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