[Digikam-devel] wiki for digikam (+kipi-plugins)?

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Wed Dec 20 12:24:57 GMT 2006


On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, Fabien wrote:

> Miko³aj Machowski wrote:
> >>- somebody would have to be the "manager", so that data is consistent

> > While I agree with some of Daniel resentments toward Wikipedia this is not good solution. Wiki is great success because is is partially selfmanageable. There is many sh* but also many good articles.
> >
> > "Manager" position (in one person) would be very hard work. Better solution would be group of "trusted users" to share workload.
> >
> Like there's no consensus about the wiki,

I think that this conclusion comes too early, we are still
in the phase of discussing things.

From my previous experiences with another wiki I think the
following points are important:
- any user who wants to correct typos/add stuff/make changes etc.
  should be allowed to do so.
  (it is a wiki, so any changes can be rolled back and
   in case user is really doing crap, we could exclude him.)
- To avoid spam: For the logins we might use the mailing list.
- policy: new material is first put into a users page
  (still editable by others) and only after discussion/approval
  moved to the main part.
  Of course new stuff could also emerge from a discussion
  on the mailing list and then directly go onto the main page.
- managers group: people in this group may add/exclude
  users and roll back changes (if necessary).

As M. Machowski wrote
"""Wiki is great success because is is partially selfmanageable."""
It removes the workload from one shoulder (or few shoulders)
and distributes it to many.
This might in the end lead to new sections in the documentation,
and also allows for non-programming users to contribute
their expertise to digikam!

So why not try it out and see how it develops.
If in a years time it is just crap one can just pick the
good stuff and close the wiki.

(If the technical side of setting up a wiki is solved,
I would volonteer to take part in the "managers" group)

> this is what I propose :
> People who want to contribute to some articles/pages about digikam will
> use the KDE wiki :
> http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Digikam

Apart from my previous objection wrt the changelog,
we could of course use this.
What I don't like are the many irrelevant links
(at least from a digikam centric point of view)
on the left hand side.

> When a page is ok, we will add its content inside the digikam website.

To me this approach seems too complicated. In particular,
there will always be pages which might need an update
from time to time ...

On the technical side: do you think that you can
for example easily set up a moin moin wiki
(http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/) or
maybe a mediawiki (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki)
on digikam.org?

Best, Arnd

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