[Digikam-devel] typos in antivignetting handbook

Caulier Gilles caulier.gilles at free.fr
Wed Oct 5 21:56:18 BST 2005

Le Mercredi 5 Octobre 2005 22:23, Oliver Dörr a écrit :
> Hi,
> i just found the following typo in the antivignetting handbook
> "With the wide exposure rnage of present-day film and the color"
> I believe it should be "exposure range" instead.
> Another one is
> "by no coincidence, a fctor of 2 in luminosity"
> I believe it should be factor instead of fctor.
> And a little inconsistence in the punctuation in the list of
> standardvalues. Density = 2.6.
> Power = 0.9
> Radius = 1.1
> Brightness = 20.
> Contrast = 50.
> Gamma = 20.
> I believe they all should have a dot at the end (or remove it for all).
> Oliver

Fixed in svn. thanks


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