[Digikam-devel] batchprocessingimages locked?

Oliver Dörr oliver at doerr-privat.de
Tue Oct 4 13:17:17 BST 2005


just because i'm not very firm of SVN. For the last few days i'll get 
the message that 'kipi-plugins/batchprocessimages'  is locked and that i 
should do a SVN cleanup during the checkout of digikam, kipi, etc.

svn: Arbeitskopie 'kipi-plugins/batchprocessimages' gesperrt
svn: Starten Sie 'svn cleanup', um die Sperren zu entfernen (Aufruf: 
'svn help cleanup' für Details)

So do i'll have to do something, so that i don't get out of sync? For me 
the message looks like somebody had started to work on that plugin and 
simply forgot to tell SVN, that his work is finished.


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