[Digikam-devel] rotate does not update thumbnail in albumview ( for some pkg combinations)

Renchi Raju renchi.raju at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 23:20:09 BST 2005

Achim Bohnet wrote:

>>btw, digikam 0.7.2 and 0.7.4 should behave the same; the correction was done
>>in 0.8.betaX
> Mhmm, so you mean digikam 0.7.* _and_ kipi-plugins < rc1 (mis)used the kipi
> interface in a not supported way, right?

not really. jpeglossless in rc1 preserves the timestamp and since the thumbnailer
relies on the timestamp to decide whether to generate a new thumbnail or not, it
wouldn't generate it. attached patch is a backport from 0.8.x, where the thumbnails
are deleted on a refresh request so that new thumbnails will be generated.

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