[Digikam-devel] documentation shearing tool

Oliver Dörr oliver at doerr-privat.de
Sat Oct 1 14:27:26 BST 2005


i'm just translating the shearing tool into german. During the readin i 
found that the documentation is a bit wrong abaout the layout of the dialog

Shear your image by using the Horizontal Angle and Vertical Angle 
sliders (values in degrees). You can shear along either Horizontally and 
vertically at the same time. Press to Reset Values for re-init the 
sliders to zero. A shearing effect preview is available on the top of 
the dialog. The new target image dimmensions in pixels are displayed 
under the preview area.

The  preview is in the middle of the dialog and the target dimensions on 
the right side of the dialog. By the way, i think it has to be 
dimensions instead of dimmensions.


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