[Digikam-devel] Viewing RAW Files
Gilles Caulier
caulier.gilles at free.fr
Sat Oct 1 10:28:10 BST 2005
Le Vendredi 30 Septembre 2005 21:19, Thorsten Schnebeck a écrit :
> Am Freitag 30 September 2005 20:47 schrieb Nir Dremer:
> > I'm using 0,8.0 beta2 and the feature i miss the post is the ability to
> > view a RAW file (for me it's canon CRW format).
> >
> > Double clicking on crw file does not do anything.
> >
> > Any chance to add support for raw viewing?
> You have to install UFRaw standalone rawfile converter and register it to
> crw mimetype (konqi->RMB on crw-file->properties->edit icon). That way
> ufraw is started when you click on crw thumbnail in album view.
> If possible, I strongly recommend to use latest ufraw-0.6-CVS which is
> based on dcraw 7.70 and supports bilinear filtering and AH-demosaicing
> filter. AHD leeds to so much better raw converting that this is a must have
> for all non-SIGMA DSLR users. Bilinear filtering is suggested for
> converting high-ISO-shots to minimize noise.
No need to install UFRaw!
Raw converter kipi plugin in single is your friend : just select a RAW file in
album and start plugin using Tools/Raw converter (single mode) menu. A dialog
will be launched and you just press 'Preview' button. A screenshot :
- digiKam support RAW file preview in album if you have installed 'dcraw'
- native digiKam image editor RAW file format suppport is planed after 0.8.0
release. We will use a new image framework named DImage to work in
16/bits/colors/pixels witch support PNG, JPEG, TIFF,etc... and RAW files.
A nice WE
Gilles Caulier
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