[Digikam-devel] Reworking of image editor

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at free.fr
Thu Jul 28 13:33:22 BST 2005

Le Jeudi 28 Juillet 2005 01:06 PM, Mikolaj Machowski a écrit :
> Reworking of image editor
> Wealth of digikamimageplugins (DIPS) is awesome but it has also less
> pleasant effect. First symptomps of gimpositis are creeping into digiKam
> Image Editor (IE).
> Menus are becoming so huge and nested it is hard to remember where
> particular option is and what is it doing.
> I'd like to suggest reworking IE.
> 1. Strictly separate core IE functionality and plugins.
>    a. Core plugins (not those forming digikamimageplugins) should stay
>       in menus.
>    b. DIPS should be put in panel similar to those in main digiKam
>       window (Tags, Albums, Dates).

Hum, like in M$ photo manager editor from office XP :


>    c. Automatically add DIPS to this panel, don't enforce to use
>       configuration dialog of digiKam.
> 2. DIPS panel should be configurable in two ways:
>    a. tree view with basic separation in categories
>    b. flat list
>    In both views should be provided live search which would scan DIPS
>    not only by name but also for keywords and description defined in
>    .desktop files like modules in KDE Control Center.
> 3. Working dialogs of DIPS should be embedded into IE window not create
>    separate windows. Drawback here is it could practically enforce users
>    to use IE in maximized state (personally don't see much harm but
>    there can be complaints).
> Summary:
> - easier finding of not much often used DIPS
> - no need to turning on plugins in DIPS configuration
> - getting rid of one layer of windows (digiKam->IE->DIPS would be
>   reduced to (digiKam->IE)

Your wish need large changes in image editor core and DigikamImagePlugins 
parts. Please make a file in B.K.O.

In other words, this is not possible to do it for future 0.8.0 release...

Gilles Caulier

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