#274 is out

Marta Rybczynska kde-i18n at rybczynska.net
Sun Mar 24 17:09:39 UTC 2013

Hello all,
The Digest of 10 February is out. Thanks to Jürgen and Aleix for their work!

This issue includes: 
* KDE Telepathy fixes having a notification "a new contact has added you" even when you are offline, adds .desktop-based tubes channel approver
* Nepomuk changed DBus interface to the FileIndexer for status messages
* Improvements in kscreen  API
* Calligra changes as to when config ui are in a docker and when it is in a tool
* Work on new dashboard in Skrooge
* Amarok optimizes dynamic playlist generation.

Note that there are still messages to review/classify for the next issues!


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