A quick update on stats, etc

Danny Allen danny at commit-digest.org
Wed Feb 8 01:31:00 UTC 2012

Actually, the stats issue seems fixed in the latest Digests... I will speak to the server admin to see if there is anything on there side that may have caused the stats issue a few weeks back. 

Very strange! Please let me know if anyone has any insight into the stats problems, or if it returns. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Danny Allen" <danny at commit-digest.org> 
To: digest at kde.org 
Sent: Wednesday, 8 February, 2012 1:17:23 AM 
Subject: A quick update on stats, etc 

Hi all, 
It's great to see everything running so smoothly, especially as I haven't given any input recently as I have been really busy - I'm really proud to see the small community we have here grow and work well together. 

Regarding the stats issue, I spent a bit of time trying to fix the issue last week but couldn't find any obvious cause of the problem (and there are no helpful pointers in the server logs either) - I will try again over the coming days. 

Thanks again everyone, 
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