mentioning new releases in ‘Other’ section?

Alexander van Loon a.vanloon at
Tue Jan 18 12:23:14 CET 2011

I noticed that the next Commit-Digest to be published has some messages selected for inclusion by Vladimir Blanton 
concerning new releases (applications and KDE 4.6 RC 1). In the Guidelines on the Wiki (which everyone has agreed to so far) 
it is mentioned that version number increases (a bit vague, but it also covers releases) should not be included. In the most 
recently published Commit-Digest there also is a commit in the Other section mentioning the release of Tellico, but in 
Digests before that releases are not mentioned as far as I know. Do we keep these commits mentionign releases? 
Personally I don’t think they’re interesting, even for the Other section, because news of new releases will almost always be 
covered by other channels. 

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