missing 'Review', not mentioned as contributor, what does Insert do?

Danny Allen danny at commit-digest.org
Tue Jan 18 00:22:27 CET 2011

I think I still have the email with the images (for the telepathy article), i'll put those up now.

Yeah - I actually sucked up all the Digests I could find back when I first relaunched it (back in 2006! :O), but they're only available as full page HTML, so i'd need to write something to extract the data and it'd probably be quite a lot of manual work too.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Pixley" <skreech2 at gmail.com>
To: "Danny Allen" <danny at commit-digest.org>
Cc: "digest" <digest at kde.org>
Sent: Monday, 17 January, 2011 11:17:12 PM
Subject: Re: missing 'Review', not mentioned as contributor, what does Insert do?

Umm ok I forwarded the article with images and I put up the text on Enzyme. I'll send them to you again later though. 

Another thing I noticed is that the archive link only has up to the year 2005. I suppose that's well known by now though :) 

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:37 AM, Danny Allen < danny at commit-digest.org > wrote: 

Aaaah :) 
I'll take a look at this tonight. 

For your question about article images: making a media management interface is a priority on my Enzyme todo list, but for now just send me any article images (with target date) to danny at commit-digest.org and i'll upload them. If you put a placeholder in the article text, i'll even put the HTML to insert the images in too! 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Pixley" < skreech2 at gmail.com > 
To: "Danny Allen" < danny at commit-digest.org > 

Cc: "digest" < digest at kde.org > 
Sent: Thursday, 13 January, 2011 3:38:45 AM 
Subject: Re: missing 'Review', not mentioned as contributor, what does Insert do? 

Just noting that it's doing it with one year ago too now 

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Danny Allen < danny at commit-digest.org > wrote: 

Ugh. I'll take a look at this tomorrow :) 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Pixley" < skreech2 at gmail.com > 
To: "Danny Allen" < danny at commit-digest.org > 

Cc: digest at kde.org 
Sent: Tuesday, 4 January, 2011 4:19:31 AM 
Subject: Re: missing 'Review', not mentioned as contributor, what does Insert do? 

Ok Great :) Has anyone noticed the date on the 6 months ago for 
the Commit Digest? 
On Monday, January 03, 2011 10:48:53 PM Danny Allen wrote: 
> Insert is really only a feature that the overall admin needs to 
use in order 
> to insert commits into the system for reviewing - and not even 
> anymore, as it is now done automatically every hour for the 
> I'm putting an update live in the next hour with the Editor 
improvements in, 
> which will also hide this section. 
> Cheers, 
> Danny 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Roger Pixley" < skreech2 at gmail.com > 
> To: "Danny Allen" < danny at commit-digest.org > 
> Cc: "Alexander van Loon" < a.vanloon at alexandervanloon.nl >, 
digest at kde.org 
> Sent: Sunday, 2 January, 2011 5:29:58 PM 
> Subject: Re: missing 'Review', not mentioned as contributor, 
what does 
> Insert do? 
> Just checking since you have indicated that you will step down 
as a central 
> figure for the digest. Will someone take up the Insert feature? 
or is that 
> just something that helps you with how you do your workflow? 
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Danny Allen < 
danny at commit-digest.org > 
> wrote: 
> Hi Alexander, 
> * Review works for me (Firefox 3.5) 
> * Contributors is calculated automatically based on that 
particular Digest 
> issue * Insert is not relevant for anyone but me, i'll work on hiding 
it in 
> the interface * If you go into "Digests" and click the issue, down 
> bottom will be all the commits selected for that issue 
> Danny 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Alexander van Loon" < a.vanloon at alexandervanloon.nl > 
> To: digest at kde.org 
> Sent: Tuesday, 28 December, 2010 10:09:53 PM 
> Subject: missing 'Review', not mentioned as contributor, what 
does Insert 
> do? 
> Hello, 
> I have three issues currently: 
> * I just logged in to Enzyme, and I noticed that I can’t review 
> any commits anymore? 
> * In the latest commit digest for 21 November I’m not 
mentioned in 
> the list of contributors, could I be added for the next one? Or 
> is that because I did not yet contribute anything for that week 
> specifically because of the delay in Commit Digests? 
> * I asked this earlier in a longer e-mail, but apparently my 
> question was missed. I’d like to know what the Insert 
> functionality is good for? 
> * Not sure if I already asked this and if it was already answered, 
> is there a way in Enzyme (for me as a feature editor) to see 
> which commits were made in a specific week? 
> Greetings, 
> Alexander van Loon 
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