Enzyme Updates (Re: Link "Help" to community page?)

Danny Allen danny at commit-digest.org
Thu Feb 24 02:11:49 CET 2011

Hi Marco (and others!),
You'll be happy to know that i've spent some time tonight integrating the community.kde.org wiki help into the Enzyme help section!
It pulls from the live copy of the content, and is cached for 30 minutes (so any changes made won't show for that amount of time at maximum).

This is live on Enzyme now, along with the new media system, there are permission issues with the server that need to be resolved to upload new media, but it's there!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Krohn" <marco.krohn at googlemail.com>
To: "digest" <digest at kde.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February, 2011 9:45:34 AM
Subject: Re: Link "Help" to community page?

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Danny Allen <danny at commit-digest.org> wrote:

> An issue with switching over to the community.kde.org wiki for the in-Enzyme Help section is that the data is not directly displayed, it is parsed first by code in Enzyme so that only the actual content is displayed. I can build a parser for the KDE wiki if that's how we want to do help content though.
> In fact, the help section 404's at the moment, i'll look into fixing this (and at least copying over the content for the moment) tonight.

Thanks Danny. In my opinion there is no need to parse the (Media)Wiki
syntax in order to display it correctly. It is absolutely fine from my
point of view if pressing the "help" button opens a new tab with the
KDE community web page (similar to opening the bug reports in the
review section).

Have a nice day,
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